Sunday nights have been given a bit a bit of kick in recent months with City Centre pub TJs playing host to various gigs thanks to a variety of local promoters. This week, its the turn of Starsfall Promotions ( ), who tonight served up a show full of interesting performances, new wave in indie and musical experimentation
First up was JohnJo, Meteor Street violinist who tonight showed he had more strings to his bow (clever pun huh?!?). This guy has some pretty neat ideas and with the help of a little electronic gizmo (not the technical term!) he played a riff on the guitar, sampled it, looped it and added another layer to it. By the end of the tracks you had a find work incorporating Guitar, back beat, bass, mandolin and violin.... oh, and he sings too.
After a short break a Worcester band with possibly one of the best names around. Fat Boys Are Harder To Kidnap (or FBAHTK) take to the stage and kick out some fine tunes. Not alot of movement going on but the tunes were more than adequate to keep you from wondering into cold city top find a warmer pub. The musicianship cannot be faulted, with some great tunes and tight rhythm section, this band did a great job.
Last time I saw Cobweb Dilemmas i thought they were pretty good, if a little tedious and stuck in the Joy Division vibe playing maybe one too many covers. Tonight's they seem to have a new energy and a new feel to their sound. Still the same girl/boy dual vocals but they seem to have fixed the problem of their vocal out of tuniness (is that a word?) with their performance a hundred times better. Still a slight hint of the 80s in their sound but now with a headier and more guitar led feel to the music. With some nice fretwork and a some interesting fills, this band have got better in only a few months..... I look forward to seeing them in another couple of months so that they can blow me away.