Great to catch both of Worcestershire's finest live acts at the Marrs Bar last week, the last Hellfire Club night for a little while as it seems promoter Pete's pockets aren't bottomless - back soon hopefully though for these sparkling Thursday night events. I was a bit late arriving (no change there then) so a second miss in two weeks for George Clarke's acoustic ramblings - shame because he's got some thoughtful ditties like 'Turned Into A Flame'. He's not minded much though to being called 'gorgeous' George - can't understand why
New EP out next month from the manic Malvernites that are Zebedy Rays and as usual a mighty thrashing set with their trademark demented on-and-off-stage antics - was that Nick Cave guest-vocalling on a couple of numbers? No it's that man Pete Adams again
And What Will Be Left Of Them? were kicking off a mini-tour that'll end up in Brixton, plenty of other gigs round the country lined up as well
- and they're also playing (believe this folks!) the Bang-Bang Club in Berlin in a couple of weeks - wow! Yet another new look for front-girl Lucy but thankfully no musical shift from the great clatterpoppers themselves - a jing-jong-jangly experience always guaranteed!
I reckon the best gigs in Hereford at the moment are probably the Idlehands promotions at the Jailhouse - I can't do Wednesdays but last Sunday looked a bit tasty so time for a look-in. Was impressed by The Kites when we saw them in Leominster last year and they've developed a pretty slick wall-of-electro-sound featuring two fiddles up front.
Pretty sure I caught a touch of Pencil Toes influence towards the end of the set though - probably a good move lads!
Picked up a copy of the first PaperScissorsRock! fanzine on the night.
My verdict - it's a thumping good read - and looks to be right on the ball with the great Hereford scene. Great also to bump into Edd and Matt from Tastyhead who are in the PSR! Production Team - also Thom (ex Big
Nothing) and John (ex One Inch Nails) who're both getting new outfits off the ground - as soon as possible please guys! Other news - Magic Socks have split up (shame!) and the Anomalies are looking for a new bassist as Joe Schiavon has his work cut out with these Idlehands nights
But what a fine job he's doing - next up were the blatantly Cure-inspired, Robert Smith worshippers that are Paper House. Driving synth work that I thought had a Meg-like bite but perhaps a little credibility lost with a cover of Erasure's Respect though - hmmm.
Visiting outfit for the evening were the Nirvana-esque Decora from Wiltshire with their passable stoner grunge. Had to leg it across the border by this time so sadly missed this excellent night's headliners - Malvern's 'other' outfit The Fallout Theory - another time chaps!