What do you do? Music reviewer, part-time photographer and website builder (all hobbies!)
Do you enjoy your job? What job? I enjoy what I do!
Are you one of these lucky people whose job is also their passion/hobby? What job? Yes, I'm extremely lucky to be in the situation I'm in!
Can you recommend a use for Worcestershire Sauce?
Heat gently to reduce - then apply liberally to shoe leather of appropriate colour. Ideal if you're out of polish and it sure makes yer boots taste great!
What do you think of the Worcester music scene at the moment?
Still pretty damn good but could perhaps do with at least one more quality, dedicated music venue
Do you speak any foreign languages?
What car do you drive?
Her indoors'
Is there one song you really wish that you had written?
Just about anything really!
What would you like to be remembered for?
Putting something back into the music business
What do you think you will be remembered for?
Do you have a favourite line from a song?
'You've got to be just what you are or you'll never understand'
If there was a movie of your life, who would play you?