Who are you? I am James Perry What do you do? I am a graphic designer but musically I am known for doing 1147am a monthly acoustic night at the cellar bar
Do you enjoy your job? Ummm I would if I didn't have to do it everyday. I guess the problem with doing something every day is it becomes everyday.
Are you one of these lucky people whose job is also their passion/hobby? Yeah I guess. I love art and making images and stuff. And I love photography and my job involves some of that. Sadly I suck at it. Suck suck suck.
Can you recommend a use for Worcestershire Sauce? Bloody Marys. Except I don't drink. But I know this guy who got taught how to make one from some famous actor who's name I forget but I was like 'NO WAY!' at thetime and apparently you gotta have Worcester Sauce for a proper bloodymary. Or is it a screwdriver? What do you think of the Worcester music scene at the moment? Ah man, it's so hard to tell. I personally think it's amazing. I think it sits in a really nice place between being full of talent and enthusiasm but not being over confident. But then some people say its dead. And some people call the acoustic nights stale bread. So it's hard to know. I'm really proud to be (even a small insignificant) part of it. I just wish I did more. But I will. Need portaloos though.
Do you speak any foreign languages? Vaguely. French, German, tried to learn Spanish but only got to as far as ugly witch. I know about 3 words in Arabic. Oooo I can count to 10 in Japanese. And I know mushi mushi! I love that. It sounds like its mushy.
Do you play any musical instruments? Guitar. Some keys but I broke my piano. I bought one and decided I would learn by buying a ben folds five cd and hitting it till I made a similar noise. I got so far but then the poor old thing gave up. I left it outside for a year and it grew all moss over it and stuff and made a weird noise. I loved it. Sniff, how I miss you piano.
Would you say that you are a good singer? NO WAY!
Are you a Thinker, or a Doer? Thinker. I dream of being a doer cos I have lots of ideas of things I could do. But I guess that's what makesme a thinker. I need to find a doer who takes orders. Like a lacky. Or a minion. There are so many things I want to do which have been on the back burner for years and I never get round to. This year though
What car do you drive? Yuck don't ask. It's some faceless boring black thing. Man I want one of those little 60s sports cars where it's just you and a piece of tin between certain death. I hate the way modern cars seal you off from the outside world. No wonder we all live in fear of each other, we can't wait to cacooon ourselves in some motorized womb. That's why people listen to music with lots of bass in in their cars. It makes it more womb like. Yucksies!
Is there one song you really wish that you had written? Any that earnt the writer a shed load of money. Umm I guess the snoopy theme tune.
What would you like to be remembered for? Ah you know questions like this always make me sad. They only work to increase my sense of lack of fulfillment. I'd like to remembered as being something but it just serves to highlight the fact I'm not going to be remembered for anything cos I'm a bit of a looser. I ate 60 one a day jelly baby vitamin tablets in an hour once. That was pretty cool.
What do you think you will be remembered for? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I think I'm going to cry.
Do you have a favourite line from a song? Yes it's too depressing to quote. I like those songs that don't rhyme and kind of gone at you for a bit. Not in a bad why. You know, in a reflective way. Oooo I love those ones that make you dance around though too.
If there was a movie of your life, who would play you? Sponge bob square pants if I have anything to do with it.
If there was a movie of your life what would the film be called? The sponge bob square pants movie II. Again, if I have anything to do with it.
If there was a movie of your life would it be a tragedy, a comedy, action thriller, a rom-com or what? It'd be like one of those mocumentaries. But wouldn't mean to be.
Do you have a favourite joke? Nopsies.
Who would you like to see represent the UK in the Eurovision Song Contest? Me damn it! I wanna meet Gina G!
What radio station do you listen to the most? Radio 4 but I also I've got one of those things that makes my ipod appear on the radio. Voodoo I tell you! Black magic!
Is your glass Half Empty or Half Full? Dude it's half empty. And anyway, I ordered a sandwich.
You have £1000 to spend in one night. What would you do and where would you go? Pizza hut followed by the hospital Just watch me go!
Do you have a favourite day of the week? Kind of. Not exactly. Yu know like that sinistesia thing where you see colours for words. Well Wednesday has the nicest colour. So I guess Wednesday. That's really weaaaakk isn't it?
What do you think is the best thing to happen in the last 25 years? Ummm. To me or globally? For me it's when I stopped cutting my hair. Infact, globally it's when I stopped cutting my hair. My hair is so pretty. Oh and facebook. Except I hate facebook. I quite hate my hair too come to think of it. I saw a man swimming in the river the other day in just a pair of tiny pants. It had drawn a massive crowd and everyone was cheering and stuff. That was quite nice. But I guess you can't say a man in tiny pants was the best thing in 25 years. Makes me sound a bit gay. Hey ladies, I don't just like men in tiny pants. Nowait, that's not going to work.
What do you think is the worst thing to happen in the last 25 years? Facebook. Seriously kids, stay off the facebook. I would rather have taken up crack.
How many times in the past month have you thought "I wish I'd done that" or "I wish I'd thought of that"? It's every day. I'm really not quick off the ball. But I guess it would have to have been the guy swimming in the river in tiny pants that got me last. What was the last thing you felt proud of? The beauty of low self esteem and easy goals is you can amaze yourself every day. I am totally proud of the fact I ironed something today. But I mostly get proud of the stuff people I know do. Like when someone I know writes a song or something. Proud and jealous. A bitter angry jealousy. I hate my friends.
Which is best, Apple Mac or PC? Oh come on. Have you ever noticed it's only PC users who ever feel the need to ask that question?
What's the first record you ever bought? Ha Ha Ebeneeza good by the shamen. To this day I still don't know why. I hate dance music and I don't do drugs. I think it might have had a pretty cover. I don't know. I think I was just amazed by the bright lights and loud music in the shop. Confused. Not amazed.
What is the most embarrassing song on your MP3 player right now? Every song oon my MP3 player is embaressing. I swear to god, one day I will find another 26 year old into fall out boy. Hmmm, maybe not. Theres a lot of bananarama on there. Ssshhh don't tell anyone!
Is you're MP3 player's memory full? Full of crap yeah. What song do you want played at your funeral? Hmmm. I want my funeral to be on like a stormy autumn night in a church on a hill that's all german expressionist and scary and it to be full of crows and old women in black with veils. So something terriying. I only want that so I will become legendarily scary. I want one of those stones in the shape of the grim reaper too. Ah dude that'd be sweet.
If you weren't answering these questions, what would you be doing right now? Something less self critical I hope.
Which Dan Ackroyd film do you prefer, Blues Brothers or Ghostbusters? Ghostbusters of course.
Who is your favourite Dr Who? Ah I don't know any. Umm. Sorry?
Who is your favourite James Bond? Sean thingy thingy. You know, the one who was really unconvincing as a Chinese dude.
If you only had a choice of two shops would you get your groceries from Marks and Spencer's or Lidl? M&S. As much as lidl always amazes me when I go in, M&S do the worlds best midget gems. Seriously, it's like chirstmas came to mouths. I mean it. Ah man I want some midget gems.
If you had to watch ONE film, all day, everyday, for a week, which film would it be? Ok don't tell anyone but when I'm ill, like properly ill. I get a bit sad and watch stupid meaningless films that always seem to make me cry. For example, Herbie fully loaded made me weep like a baby. So one of those I guess.
Do you have a favourite time of the day? Rock o'clock? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahaha oh that's funny.
What book/magazine are you reading? none at the moment. I'm more of a pamphlet kind of guy.
Have you any advice or thoughtful insight for our readers? Go and do something. Anything. There is totally grant money and stuff for all kinds of outlandish project you could do so just do something. The acoustic nights are without doubt the greatest thing that have happened to me. I have met the most incredible people because of it and I have been shown a side to Worcester and humanity I wouldn't have thought could exist. Do something and being in charge of something give you such a massive sense of place in the world and even if it's rubbish, it at least shows you what you could have done if you weren't useless. The grant people we got the money off for the acoustic nights is always looking for people to give it away to. Facebook me or something and I can pass you details. I totally got a plaque from that David Blunkett for this stuff. I patted his dog. thanks to james for taking time out to to do this. Next for this feature is ....wait and see.
-- Edited by Chris at 17:51, 2008-05-24
-- Edited by Chris at 17:54, 2008-05-24
-- Edited by Chris at 17:54, 2008-05-24
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