'Fusion are a young band from Worcester specialising in 'psychedelic/alternative/rock' - for me though, 'Fusion capture the whole essence of what became known as the West Coast scene of the mid to late 60's.
What I find interesting is that four youngsters like this have chosen to completely avoid the all-too-common approach irritatingly known as 'indie'. Great move though, 'Fusion, with their collective minds on something totally different, have done a fantastic job on this rather tasty three-tracker. 'Fusion keep it clean and mellow, refusing to go for over-embellishment and multi-effects. Their melodic songs are therefore bright, crisp and airy. Nice jangly guitars and occasional relaxed sonic riffs, soothing keyboards, workmanlike punctuative bass and drums and great voices come together as one to make up the beautifully charged 'Fusion sound. 'Fusion have been clever in not trying to be too clever - honesty is always the best policy and this demo sure has an honesty about it - what a refreshing thing to find nowadays!
There's a certain maturity about 'Fusion's work too; playing very much as a unit they each support the others with intelligent playing of sparsely populated instrumentation. Just occasionally 'Fusion drift off into the realms of experimental psychedelia but even here they keep it beautifully real and uncluttered. Well proportioned vocal harmonies pop into the equation here and there to add that sweet vocal feel of the long-gone era. This is very clever stuff and really pleasing on the ear! Having likened 'Fusion to the West Coast movement they do, however, avoid trying to sound like anyone from that time; 'Fusion's sound and style is still very much their own and therefore doesn't feel at all retro. Hey listen, top marks from me for taking this melodic but slightly mystical route!
'Fusion are Rob Powell (Vocals and Keyboard), Elaine Taylor (Bass and Vocals), Alex Gwinn (Drums) and Nick Taylor (Guitar and Vocals); 'Fusion's understated but blissfully evocative music together with their focused approach result in a demo that suggests a bright future for this outfit. I hope 'Fusion stick to their musical 'guns' and persevere with this vibrant and pretty exciting sound; 'Fusion rock as they sooth, 'Fusion excite and entice, 'Fusion are different and 'Fusion are bloody good at what they do. Personally, I can't wait to hear more from this excellent sounding band - I think there's still a little room for improvement, perhaps in the mixing and final production but even that's minimal. Generally, everything's there and quite nicely in place - I'll be watching out for 'Fusion - a great band with a decent future methinks.