Marina Del Ray ,Acoustic Night, Charlstons,
Marina Del Ray are dressed in their finest matching shirts and ties and despite their jokes it seems unlikley that they had made their way from evensong to the cosy confines of this bar. I could be wrong but they do seem to be a very knowing troupe! And they are absolutely excellent as they draw an audienc...
steve bach
Acoustic Lunch - 29th March 2009 - LV Review
Acoustic Lunch at the Old Rectifying House 29.03.09 Review by Lisa Ventura The inaugural Acoustic Lunch event at the Old Rectifying House was extremely well attended and we were all a little concerned that this was a fluke of some kind. We neednt have worried though, as the second event was just as we...
Apr 11, 2009
by Anonymousy Craigus
Acoustic Lunch - 8th March 2009 - LV Review
Acoustic Lunch at the Old Rectifying House 08.03.09 Review by Lisa Ventura Organised by Chris Bennion of Not Just Sauce (www.notjustsauce.co.uk) and Fat Rat Productions (www.myspace.com/fatratproductionsuk ) this was the first of what they hope to be an ongoing run of daytime acoustic gigs and...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - Ash/Rachel, Donns, Flo, GirlsonFilm, Silver T and Expedestrian - 20/06/08
Down to the Marrs Bar for The Little Hellfire Club's 2nd all-dayer birthday bash - unfortunately arrived just too late for Meg who've brought the brilliant 'A Song For' back into their set - but I will definitely catch the Kiddy rockers at the Worcester Festival in August. Saw A+R aka the acoustic twos...
Andy O'hare reviews - (22/08/08) - Freekilos, Epsilon Red, Housewives, The Irony
A quick trip down to 'the local' for a swift reprise of last week's studio act but kicking off proceedings at the Marrs Bar were one of Worcestershire's rarest species - I'm talking about a genuine hardcore metal outfit of course Evesham-based Freekilos have the forbidding looks that dovetail in nic...
Andy O'hare Reviews - 15/08/08 - Worcester Music Festival Launch, 1147am, Tim Parkes, Smokestack, GoF, DLK
(15/08/08) Only time this week for a swift break from the festival orgy we've all enjoyed over the last few weeks before the Big One next weekend - so literally down to the Cellar Bar in Worcester for the grand launch party of local clatterpopping superheroes And What Will Be Left Of Them?'s latest albu...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - The Big Chill 2008 (and more)(08/08/08)
Gotta say I didn't know what to expect from last Friday's show live at the Big Chill in Eastnor - hope you enjoyed it by the way. After Wyeside, Nozstock and the Jamstand in the last few weeks it came as a bit of a culture shock - 39,000 people over a massive site and it's apparently the fifth biggest festiva...
Andy O'hare Reviews - 01/08/08 - Will Dance For Choc, Miss Halliwell, Jimmy Nylon,Carmen, Effects Of Alcohol and more.
Well hope you enjoyed Will Dance For Chocolate's live studio session last week - I caught Emma and the guys the day before at the Marrs Bar in Worcester and I do like their blend of Blondie-ish powerchords and Neil Young-type melodies with lyrics that poke a bit of wry fun - mostly at the expense of blokes...
Andy O'hare Reviews - Nozstock 2008
Well they're the first supergroup to come out of the two counties - formed from the living flesh and the decaying remains of Toasted Egg Sandwich, Tastyhead, The Labels, SuperFredSeven and The Stetsons. This was only the second gig for We Do Kung Fu in as many days after far too many aborted debuts. It'...
Andy O'hare Reviews - 18/07/08 - Mudball and Passengers
Well it's that time of year again - we've had Glasto and T-in-the-Park - if you were at either why not let us know about it? But it's time now for weatherman Paul Damari to come into his own - he did well for us at the wonderful Wyeside a couple of weeks ago - so keep it going for this weekend's Nozstock mate - fe...
Andy O'hare Reviews - (11/07/08) - Donns, Meg, BlueRadio, AWWBLOT, - Donns, Heroes Of Hanoi Smokestack. Blue Radio
Well they've been going five years so only right and proper to pay another overdue call to the Cellar Bar in Worcester's Foregate Street for the 11:47 club's big birthday bash. They call themselves the biggest clique in town and it's where the local great and good come to exchange a few impromptu momen...
Andy O'hare Reviews - Up2Date, C2G,Tainted Disgrace, Emptiness, Nu-Originals + Jazica, Donns and Smokestack (04/07/08)
Time to dust off the wig and gown and slip into judgement mode for Worcestershire Arts Education's Battle of the (school) Bands at Rock Café 2000 in Stourbridge - a super venue which definitely seems to be the place to go if you're into tribute acts - hmmm The aim was to pick a band to represent Worcesters...
Andy O'hare Reviews - Flo Rowland, Gamble Gamble, AWWBLOT, Abdoujaparov, Tastyhead and Thyrd Eye (27/06/08)
It was midsummer day but you wouldn't have thought so as I trudged damply down to the Marrs Bar in Worcester hoping that Holland v Russia wouldn't go into extra time. Luckily Flo Rowland lifted the spirits quickly with her thoughtful melodic Buffy SaintMarie-ish ditties - always a pleasure to see and...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - Jivestick, Distorted Waves and DLK - (06/06/08)
A very early kickoff to last Saturday's gig in aid of St Michael's Hospice at the Imperial in Hereford - so I only caught the last bit of Jivestick's stoner grungy set. Still have to say I like the cut of their jib and they seem to be making steady improvements - despite saying they didn't have a clue what th...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - Regan, Joe Patroni, Nomads 67, The Donns and Cape of Good Hope (30/05/08)
I haven't forgotten you Hereford and I'm hoping to check in this weekend and of course at next week's Wyeside Festival. In the meantime down to my local to check out an outfit we haven't seen for a while. First up at the Marrs Bar were local Worcester Tech School of Rock graduates Regan who've just played...
Andy O'hare Reviews - Ash and Rachel, Skankbox, BSN(4:20), The Donns . (23/05/08)
My gig of the year so far though has to be last week's mighty ska-punk-fest in aid of St Richards Hospice at the Gun Tavern in Worcester. First up were Evesham jazzy-reggaeish loungecore acoustic duo A+R aka Ash and Rachel aka Thick As Thieves who've only been gigging for a matter of weeks. They're look...
Andu O'Hare Reviews - Nitkowski, Harlem Dandy, Mybe, Parker, Girls On Film, Cape of Good Hope - 16/05/08
(16/05/08) Reviews By Andy Ohare I'm still kicking myself from last week when I could and should have seen favourites Tastyhead and Dandelion Killers at the Jailhouse in Hereford - sorry lads. So as usual I over-compensated by cramming in two venues the following night in Worcester. A tentative ret...
Andy O'Hare Reviews -Worcester Music Festival - (24/08/08)
Worcester Music Fest 2008 - Friday 22nd - Sunday 24th August 2008 Review by Andy O'hare Well here we go with a round-up of last weekend's mammoth first-ever Worcester Music Festival. 100 bands at twenty-five different venues and I'm sad to say I only got to about a third of them! Kicked off on Friday in...
Bloody Karaokes!
Let me tell you boys and girls.....I hate Karaokes! I hate DJ's who do Karaokes! I hate DJ's who get paid more than bands when they do Karaokes! And I hate pubs and clubs who use DJ's who get paid more than bands they do Karaokes! I really hate Karaokes... they make me so mad! I think that all you muso's out th...
The Loud Speaker
Marina Del Ray @ Mount Pleasant Hotel, Malvern
Marina Del Ray, Mount Pleasant Hotel, Malvern There are other attractions in and around town tonight but this is the coolest place to be. Worcesters Marina Del Ray have only travelled up the road but they have something which belies their local band plays local gig billing. Drawing on the disparate s...
Andy O'hare Reviews - 09/05/08 - Rebellow, Jivestick, Mondo Cada, Lipstick Gypsies, GirlsOnFilm, Gravity Crisis, Zebedys
Another week of cross-border action kicking off with a Sonic Titan (aka Kane Sumner) metal promotion at the Herdsman in Hereford. Power metal with melodic shuffles from Rebellow who are the rebranded Original Bondage featuring the number one axeman in the two counties Adam Huyton up front. A pleth...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - 02/05/08 - Salvatore Leone, Deacon Birch, Blood Of Ash, Disco Bizkid, SmokeStack, Expedestrian
Time to switch into metal mode for a saunter over the border to check out the Worcestershire invasion of The Herdsman in Hereford. I'd gone mainly to hear Malvern's AZWAI (As Zeroes We Are Infinite) who'd wowed the crowd at the Punk For Pudsey all-dayer last November, especially with frontman Adam's...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - 25/04/08 - Cobwebs, The Knowing, Meg, Unkle Monty
25/04/08) Down to my local for a sparkling assortment of the best of the local up-and-comers - kicking off with a acoustic set from a Tastyhead-ish cut-down version of The Knowing - big mates of tonight's headliners Unkle Monty. Now developed into a full-blown Muse-ish outfit on the Birmingham club...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - 18/04/08 - Gindrinkers, Lovvers, Pencil Toes , Planetman, Skankbox
18/04/08) ANDREW PLEASE NOTE - these gigs were 'problem' events - after I'd left (phew!) there was a load of trouble at the Firefly - also there was a quite a negative reaction to the PT's show at the Jailhouse - 'tired and tuneless' were amongst the comments... I've tried to make the best of it though and...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - 11/04/08 - Donns, Silver Tequila, Cobweb Dilemmas, Girls On Film, Owen Tromans
11/04/08) Great to check out a new venue and this week it was at Keystones in Worcester (what used to be the police club). Opening up were covers outfit Tasha - who has dual South African and Evesham nationality - she's writing some of her own stuff so we might hear more soon There's always a smile on your f...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - 04/04/08 - AWWBLOT, Decora, Paper House, The Kites, Zebedy Rays
Great to catch both of Worcestershire's finest live acts at the Marrs Bar last week, the last Hellfire Club night for a little while as it seems promoter Pete's pockets aren't bottomless - back soon hopefully though for these sparkling Thursday night events. I was a bit late arriving (no change there...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - 21/03/08 - Two Minute Warning, Cape Of Good Hope Silver Tequila, Zebedy Rays
Well I would obviously have preferred the Welsh Rugby Union to reschedule last week's Grand Slam decider so as not to conflict with the excellent 'Easter Rising' all-dayer at the Marrs Bar in Worcester - organized by the Little Hellfire club elves. So I'll have to catch Cobweb Dilemmas, The Donns and...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - 14/03/08 - The Elements, Four Ways Forward, Dandelion Killers, Spike/Batwhispers
Well we finally made it over to the Herdsman in Hereford - the first time this year - and well worth it! Kicking off with The Elements from Kington who have to be one of the spikiest and kickingest three-pieces I've seen for a while. Natural stage presence from the pop-punksters - but the highlight for me...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - 05/03/08 - Amoeba, Holy Stoned, Locomotiv Kollectiv
Great to see that the local authorities are getting their priorities right and putting our money to good use - I'm talking of course about Worcestershire County Council's Art Education project to promote rock music in schools and coordinating an 'exchange scheme' of local bands with those in Franc...
Andy O'Hare Reviews - 29/02/08 - Beyond This Point, Brandon Steep, Gamble Gamble, Indelicates, Light, Sound, Meteor St.
29/02/08) No I haven't forsaken you Hereford - it's just that I can't get to gigs on Sundays (Pencil Toes and Dandelion Killers) or Wednesdays (Joe Schiavon's excellent Jailhouse promotions) - but hope to be over again real soon. So we had to make do with a mix of home and bussed-in talent over the last w...